Historicising Insurgencies in Contemporary Nigeria
Olatunji Olateju
Journal of Foreign Languages, Cultures and Civilizations, 1(1), pp. 12-22.

The paper historically explores the persistent insurgencies in Nigeria since independence. The exploration becomes imperative when consideration is given to the fact the country passed through thirty months ethnically contrived civil war between 1967 and 1970 yet its survival still remains threatened by divisive tendencies from its various ethnic groups that constantly pose obstacles to any project of national integration and unity1. As a way of conclusion, the paper rejects the response of the federal government branding these insurgencies as criminality or terrorism that could be dealt with by overpopulating the affected region with armed security forces on the one hand, and peace-buying paternalistic amnesty handouts2 on the other. It rather argues for the engagement with the underlying issues of integration and poverty as viable and sustainable pathway for the restoration of social order in the country. Unless the ruling elite engage with these underlying issues, Nigeria will not only be subjected to internal crisis of increasing proportions but also perpetual policy and developmental somersaults.

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Olateju, Olatunji. (2013). Historicising Insurgencies in Contemporary Nigeria. Journal of Foreign Languages, Cultures and Civilizations, 1(1), pp. 12-22.

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Dr Olatunji Olateju holds a PhD degree in Politics from the Department of Political and Cultural Studies, Swansea University UK. Prior to this, he holds Bachelor and Master’s Degrees in Sociology from the University of Lagos, Nigeria and a Master’s Degree in Democratic Studies from the University of Leeds, UK. He is currently engaged in the editorial works of a book - ‘Boko-Haram and the Nigerian state’ descending from the panel he convened for Welsh African Studies Network, Swansea University, at the African Studies Association (UK chapter) biennial conference at the University of Leeds. He is also writing a Monograph on ‘African dynamics in multi-definitional governance, which governance and whose governance?’ descending from the panel he convened at the 5th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS 2013) at the Centre of African Studies, University Institute of Lisbon. The monograph is due for publication by The Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd Lampeter, UK in September 2014. Dr Olateju is convening panels for the forthcoming African Studies conferences in Russia and the UK in May and September 2014 respectively. Prior to commencing his teaching career at the Lagos State Polytechnic, Nigeria in 1998, Dr. Olateju worked with Civil Liberties Organisation as Research Officer, National Union of Shop and Distributive Employees as an Organising Secretary, and with various political organisations including Presidential campaign offices, public appointments and political parties. He is currently an Honorary Lecturer in the Department of Political and Cultural Studies, Swansea University.