Spanish Operetta in Madrid in the Early Twentieth Century
Jose Salvador Blasco Magraner

In the early twentieth century Madrid had a rich cultural life and a wide range of theater productions. The most celebrated composers of operettas as Ruperto Chapí, Manuel Fernández Caballero, Gerónimo Giménez and Tomás Bretón were in the maturity of their meteoric careers. At the same time, a new generation burst hard in the Madrid scene. Authors like José Serrano and Vicente Lleó had to deal with the names of the great masters in the proscenium theater. In this paper we study the development of the capital city of Spain and the consequences that their cultural and economic momentum generated in stage music, in addition to the approach to some of the most eminent figures of our lyric theater.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jflcc.v3n1a1