Los Toros En La Música Escénica Española
José Salvador Blasco Magraner ; Francisco Carlos Bueno Camejo

The festival of bullfighting has had a strong presence not only in the Spanish music, but also in those imaginary immortal opera composers such as Bizet and Verdi. It has to be considered that the Spanish thing came into vogue during the European Romanticism as the artists of that time were attracted by everything that symbolized what was genuinely Spanish as bandits in Sierra Leone, the narrow and dangerous roads, the bullfighting and the happiness of its people. This article covers the bullfighting theme in both Spanish music and opera. In the case of Spanish music, the research is focused on the impact of the bulls in the top hispanic musical forms as tonadilla, zarzuela, taurine opera, ballet and pasodobles.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jflcc.v4n1a4